Starlet Academy

December 2019

Carol Sobh – Founder

In 2014, Carol launched a nonprofit organization, Starlet Academy in Paterson, New Jersey which brought third graders from an underserved community on educational field trips that deliberately incorporated a social and emotional development program. They soon learned that they vastly underestimated the degree of the struggle, both material and personal, that these kids faced in school daily.  They were resolved to fulfill the dire need to provide these children with a strong foundation for learning. Thus, their mission began with a hunt for a physical space that would enable, inspire and empower children from the early age of 2 months up to 13 years of age. The vision for their center would include a garden where children would reconnect to the natural world and learn firsthand about the nurture and harvesting of fruits and vegetables and about the necessity of healthy eating. Their broad educational approach brought art, music, yoga and other enlightening activities into their focus. In order to ensure an easier transition into formal schooling, they placed great emphasis on the proper tools needed to excel and grow into happier, healthier kids that are self-motivated and eager to learn.

Below are a few questions to help facilitate this interactive connection. At the end of the page you will have an opportunity to post your own questions for Carol.


What inspired you to start this business?

I started this business because the profoundly crucial experience of a good education should not depend on the luck of having wealthy parents. Witnessing how the deep inequities in our education system hurts our society’s most vulnerable, drove me to do what I could to correct this negligent imbalance. The indisputable fact is that the emotional, social, and physical environment of young children has a direct and dramatic effect on the adult they will become.

How did you become an entrepreneur? Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I have been an entrepreneur since I was in my early 20’s. I’ve always loved it because it allowed me to dip into learning about all aspects of business whilst constant problem solving kept me on my feet which is where I thrive the most. I got married at a young age but knew I wanted to achieve and grow as a person and be doing something that made a difference somehow, without really knowing what it was exactly. After a few years of marriage and having my son I decided to go back to school to get my college degree. I completed my BA in Marketing. After working in the field of Marketing research, I felt unmotivated and disconnected from what it was that made me happy. I started my search in finding what that was exactly. Opening up a number of different businesses over the years, although very interesting and a great learning experience, never fully connected with me. Upon starting a commercial business in the Bronx, an idea of a different kind materialized and it finally brought me to my calling. As I started to immerse myself into my new educational business I understood that I was most interested in the actual personal lives and struggles of the people that I would meet everyday. As I got closer to these families I soon found myself especially fascinated by their children. I would spend hours just conversing with them and was struck by their excited and abiding interest in learning. I quickly understood the grim circumstances surrounding public schools in the Bronx and was not surprised to see first hand the impact of that fact on underserved communities. So I started attending conferences and researching, and learning about the brain and how children learn. After spending a few years studying about the brain and finding the best ways that children learn, I created my first nonprofit organization. I contacted a school only a few miles from home where I implemented our program in taking kids on educational field trips and then finally finding a spot to start our now childcare center called Starlet Academy in Paterson, New Jersey.

Please discuss a moment or turning point in your life that led you to start this business?

My days in the Bronx and spending time with kids was a major turning point in my life. I would notice that the kids would come daily and look for me. I would have these extensive and interesting conversations and see the kids faces light up while talking about their interests. It just made me realize the impact I can have on children’s lives. I’ve always loved kids and knew that I had to do more in order to make sure that every child had the same opportunity to live a life filled with love, learning and growth.

Please discuss a role model that motivated you or mentor you had helped guide you or helped grow your business.

Growing up I’ve never really wanted to follow in anyone’s footsteps. My role models were people that I watched and learned from in my life. My family. My father,Thomas Chami an entrepreneur himself was and has always been a great mentor and has taught me a lot about business and life. Watching him deal with people and business was a great learning experience for me. My Mother, the rock of the family, providing my three brothers and I with all the love and support any person could ever want. Watching my oldest brother Mason Chami work towards achieving his goal of graduating with a PHD from Oxford University and starting his own business was an example I could learn from. Watching my two youngest brothers Tori and Nedal Chami achieve their goals of overcoming many challenges in becoming both E.R Doctor and Lawyer. My husband’s will and want to grow while still taking care of a family and becoming an engineer and last but not least watching my kids overcome their challenges are constant reminders of the family that I learn from every day. I would have to say, coming from a family that chooses a goal and goes for it regardless of what it entails would have to be what has helped me become the person I am and has helped guide me in my decisions at work.

Do you recall any specific challenges you encountered and overcame? How did you overcome that and what advice would you give others in your situation?

My greatest challenge that I had to overcome would have to be starting a childcare center while never really working for one nor knowing what it might entail. Trying to get licensed with the state, understanding what was needed in order to provide for a great learning environment, while creating a motivating place to work and making sure kids were developing, learning and growing. The way in which I overcame challenges was to know that there is always a solution to every problem, keeping a positive attitude and accepting success just as much as failure. Allowing for change and having to change course if need be, being flexible.

As an entrepreneur, what is it that motivates and drives you?

My motivation comes from the pure desire to help educate children to live their best lives. Education transforms lives, leads to better health and increased income possibilities and a better world for all. Being part of something larger than myself has transformed my life. Finding ways to help families and children that are less fortunate than us is what drives me every day. Knowing that we can change lives is what our organization is all about.

What would you say are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?

The key elements that you would need to run a successful business is having the ability to be flexible and change with the times. Build a great team that works together towards the same goal. Knowing your purpose and ensuring that customers know it. Be clear,precise and communicate your ideas with your team in order to be more efficient and productive.

Where do you see your business in the next 10 years?

I would like to build a few more child care centers in order to help as many families as possible. I would also like to create programs for teenage boys and girls in guiding them in their lives. A reading program which is desperately needed in underserved areas. My goal is to achieve a significant improvement in the future workforce and help turn around distressed communities. Investing in the future to help ensure kids get the right start.

Tell us a little bit about your hobbies outside of your field:

I truly love to read and learn new things. I enjoy spending time with my family. I love music and dancing. I enjoy interior design and traveling. Love to live life, learn, love and have fun.

A Q&A form will be uploaded shortly. In the meantime feel free to send any questions you would like to ask Carol to

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